Thursday, 29 January 2009

"Classic with an edge"

I have a new "style icon". Unsurprisingly, she is French. The media has recently been full of pictures of the former French Justice Minister, Rachida Dati. She is, perhaps, infamous for returning to work within days of giving birth and then being "sacked" from her position. I, however, have become fascinated by her for her glamour and style - a cross between Audrey Hep. and Jackie O (does it get much better than that?). Many of my clients favour a classic style personality but struggle to avoid it becoming frumpy, boring or uninspiring. The aim is to think "classic with an edge" - Ms Dati does this beautifully. In one picture she is wearing a simple black skirt suit BUT:

1. Shoes are high, pointed toe, patent leather T-bar
2. Jacket undone to reveal a flash funky leopard print lining
3. Nails painted confident and contemporary deep plum
4. No jewellery except statement silver hoop ear rings - simple but stunning
5 Hair cut in sharp, current style that perfectly empasises her face and features

It's these details that really do make the difference. So, for all of you "classic" ladies, I would advise taking a look at this lady for inspiration. Okay, I admit that her personal and professional life are in tatters right now.... but she looks great!

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

.. who do you think you are?

Typically the start of the New Year brings with it a flood of articles about " a new year, a new you". But 2009 is different. Different because of the economic climate we are living in. A recent article in Elle magazine declared "if the early noughties were about the It bag, the It shoe and hot trends of the season, the late noughties are about defining your individuality." 2009 is all about "original style". Designers are not defining key trends but going out alone and playing to their unique signature strengths. That is exactly what I've been talking about since I set up "KatherineB". Obvious displays of consumerism are just not "cool" anymore. Time to play to your individual strengths but, more importantly, to define who you REALLY are. A good way of doing this is to pull out pictures from magazines of looks, gardens, interiors or anything that inspires you. Who do you think has great style? which actress would you like to play you in the film of your life?? It's all about being authentic rather than conforming to other peoples' expectations. The Elle article closed with the the words: " whatever you choose, be bold, be brave, and most of all be yourself." I couldn't agree more!