Tuesday 16 December 2008

Xmas party season

I have just been talking on BBC Radio Berkshire about how to look good over the party season - here are my top tips on how to look and feel your best:

1. Be yourself - dress for you; know your strengths and play to them
2. Give yourself time - plan ahead and try your outfit on - nothing worse than discovering it doesn't fit or needs repairing at the last minute
3. Go for colour - even if that means a bold lipstick (apply with a lip brush and add some gloss to avoid that "drag queen" look) a jewel coloured bag or even a fabulous statement coat
4. Pay attention to the detail - hair, make-up and nails really do make the most impact
5. If unsure of the dress code - dress up

And now for the men...rules are simple:

1. Look clean
2. Smell nice
3. Make an effort
4. Dance well
5. Pay compliments to every female you talk to!

Happy Christmas

Thursday 11 December 2008

Sparkle through this "credit crunch" Christmas

I'm sure that you, like me, are sick of hearing about the "credit crunch". So much doom and gloom. You might think that, as an Image Consultant, this is a bad time for me...well, you would be wrong. For many years I have helped my clients to save money by: a) not buying SO much b)learning how to wear what they have c) wearing what they have DIFFERENTLY. Most women spend far too much on clothes, yet we always seem to wear the same things, in the same way. So, here's how to feel like you have a whole new wardrobe without spending a single penny:

1. set aside half a day and try on everything including shoes and accessories
2. start to combine outfits that you haven't ever worn before
3. sort out your make-up "drawer" and wear a different combination - amazing what a change of lipstick can do!
4. call in a professional (like myself) to inject some fresh ideas...well, I would say that

My parting comment is a note of caution - on no account be tempted by the price reductions and generous sales. Price should NEVER be the main consideration. Step away from the sale rail!!

Monday 8 December 2008


  • How would it be to always feel great in what you wear?
  • How would it be to know that you love everything in your wardrobe?
  • How would it feel to have the confidence to wear exactly what you want - whatever your age, shape, budget or lifestyle?
KatherineB is passionate about helping people like you to step out of your image comfort zone. Her honest, practical and expert advice will leave you feeling inspired, confident and motivated to take your image to the next level …whatever that is for you.