Monday, 19 July 2010

Stick to your Style Guns

Do you have a "signature style?

Can your friends and colleagues rely on you to dress in a certain way?

Are you known for always appearing in a "creative" or "glamorous" or "elegantly feminine" or "sharp and classic" or " head turning and daring" way?

Or are you a little more schizophrenic? Do you have a knack of being all 5 Spice Girls depending on how the mood takes you? (one day sporty, next day scary and who knows...maybe sometimes Ginger too??).

Having a consistent image is a must for any business. People know where they are with us, what we stand for and that we can be relied upon. It is also a must for our personal image too. It silently conveys a inner confidence.

BUT, more importantly than how others see us, it's about how we feel ourselves. It is quite liberating to recognise who you are and then show that to the world. We explored this in some depth at my recent "Style Icon" workshop. I'm strongly against "image stereo-types". I value freedom VERY highly. So this is not about always being neat and perfectly turned out or, conversely, never making any effort because you think others will mock. It's about acknowledging your inner Icon.

A simple exercise to try is to ask yourself:

1. If you were an animal what would you be?
2. If you were a place where would you be?

Ask anyone at hand (ideally 3 or 4 people)to write down against both answers qualities that they associate with them.....and there you have your starting point. The beginnings of an image identikit.

Consistent "style" is not about conforming to other people's expectations. It is about honouring your TRUE self each and every time you decide what to wear. Always be associated with having a GREAT unique, individual and confident style.

Maybe become something of an Icon yourself....

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