Friday, 17 September 2010

The Woman who prepares for Autumn.....

.....saw this strap line in the latest French Connection advertising and just had to use it. "New Season"; "Back to School" whatever you associate this time of year with - it is NOW the time to do a little preparatory work to ensure that the next few months run the wardrobe department at least.

Here's how:

1. Remove all "high summer" from wardrobe. Store the good stuff and dispose of the worn out.
2. Do a thorough edit of remaining items. Be tough with yourself. Most of it will last a maximum of 3 years before losing its lustre (tailoring will be more robust).
3. Do not let the fear of poverty stop you from being ruthless. If money were no object would you still have this item in your wardrobe? if you have had your monies worth then part with it with a clear conscience. If you haven't, then it was a bad buy in the first place. Put it down to experience and move on.
4. Make a list of what is required to fill in the gaps - no matter how vague at this stage i.e. top to go with black skirt etc.
5. Plan 3 shopping trips - the first is for research only; the second is for trying on and coming up with a short list; the third is the time to make those purchases safe in the knowledge that they are necessary, needed and right for you. And that you have budgeted for them of course.
6. If nothing else then you MUST update your footwear; outerwear (jackets and coats) and bag. Spend as much as budget allows on these "cornerstones" of your wardrobe.
7. Once you have made your purchases, try them on SOON. Come up with several different combinations to get maximum cost per wear. This will also give you confidence to actually WEAR them and not leave them dangling unattended in the back of the wardrobe. It will also highlight what style and type of footwear you need.

See, not so hard is it? invest a few hours now and reap the rewards for the whole of Autumn/Winter 2010

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